O'Devs Website Redesign Project


Orlando Devs Website Refresh Project: A Journey Toward Innovation and Community

As a passionate web developer and active member of the Orlando Devs community, I’m excited to lead a new initiative to refresh the O’Devs website. This project is more than just a redesign—it's about collaboration, innovation, and creating a digital space that reflects the true spirit of the Orlando developer community. The refreshed website will serve as a hub for our thriving network of tech professionals, hosting information about meetups, events, and providing resources for developers of all levels.

Project Overview

The Orlando Devs website has been a cornerstone of our community for some time, but like all digital spaces, it needs updating to meet the evolving demands of its users. After discussing the project with Brian Rinaldi, president of Orlando Devs, we identified the opportunity to not just give the site a visual update but to enhance its functionality and user experience significantly.

Our objective is clear: to create a state-of-the-art platform that will not only showcase the diverse talent of Orlando’s developer community but also streamline event management, communication, and engagement. This includes new features such as:

Team and Process

The heart of this project lies in the collaboration with fellow developers, designers, and tech professionals from across Orlando. After putting out a call for volunteers, we received an overwhelming response from talented individuals eager to contribute their skills and expertise. Together, we’ve assembled a well-rounded team to take this project to the next level.

Here’s a breakdown of the talented volunteers who’ve stepped up to help:

Meet the Team:

The Development Process

We’re kicking things off with an initial virtual meet-and-greet on Saturday, September 21st at 1 PM via Slack Huddle. This will be a chance for the team to connect, share ideas, and discuss project goals. I’ve asked each participant to prepare a 1-5 minute presentation to share their thoughts on what the website could become.

The agenda for our first meeting includes:

You can RSVP for the meeting and see more details about the event here:
O'Devs Website Refresh Initial Meeting
Sep 21 • 1 – 2 PM • Slack Huddle

Our Vision

This website refresh is more than a simple upgrade—it’s an opportunity to set a new standard for how tech communities can engage online. The final product will be open-source and community-driven, with regular contributions from Orlando Devs members. Our goal is to create a future-proof platform, one that evolves with the community’s needs.

We envision the new website not only as a hub for Orlando Devs events and news, but also as a resource where developers can share knowledge, access learning materials, and highlight key projects. Additionally, we’re exploring ways to integrate RSS feeds, live event updates, and API-driven content to keep the platform dynamic and engaging.

Moving Forward

As we move through each stage of this project, from feature planning to design and implementation, I’ll be sharing regular updates here. Our next steps after the initial huddle will include finalizing the tech stack, solidifying design mockups, and creating a timeline for development milestones.

I’m thrilled to be working with such a talented and passionate group of developers, and I’m confident that together, we’ll build something truly remarkable for the Orlando Devs community.

For any inquiries or if you’re interested in being a part of this exciting project, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Stay tuned for more updates!